Tuesday, April 24, 2007

5 steps to build closer ties with the elderly

As the Chinese saying goes,
The elderly and their wealth of
life experiences are to be
treasured. Yet many of us often
take our elderly loved ones for
Generation gap or language
barrier is often cited as the
reason for our lack of interaction
with the elderly. In reality, it is
not as hard as you imagine it
to be. As Supervisor of TOUCH
Seniors Activity Centre, Hannah
Liew works very closely with the
elderly. Here, she gives us five
tips on how to start building
closer ties with the elderly.
1. Communicate!
Communication is the key to building relationships.
Good communication goes beyond verbal interaction.
Positive nonverbal communication can make a big
difference in your relationship with the elderly folks.
A simple gesture like patting your grandpa on the
shoulder will convey warmth and acceptance, while
maintaining eye contact shows you are interested
in what he has to say.
2. Listen attentively
Whether they are complaining about life or
reminiscing about their younger days, old people
tend to be more long-winded. While we may find it
a nuisance to listen to them go on and on, they
actually just enjoy the interaction and crave our
attention. By taking time to listen patiently, you are
actually sending a signal to them that you care.
3. Show respect
Even though you may be the one taking care of the
needs of the elderly, he or she is still an adult, not
a child. The elderly deserves respect and should
never be made to feel small or inadequate. Speak
with them politely and acknowledge their contributions
at home. Never order them around. Do you like to
be scolded? Probably not, and neither do they. They
would appreciate having their sense of dignity intact.
4. Nurture love between generations
If you have children, encourage your kids to interact
with your elderly parents. If you are dealing with your
grandparents, tell them what is happening at school
and keep them updated about the newest trend in
town. Inter-generation bonding can do wonders to
a family and will boost the morale of the elderly as
they feel more involved in your lives.
5. Keep them busy
Encourage the elderly to remain physically and mentally
healthy. There are many organisations in Singapore
which offer social activities for seniors. Activities can
keep a person’s mind occupied and help him or her
maintain a positive self image. Take a day off work
and bring the elderly out for an outing. If the elderly
has mobility problems, play games with the family at
home and make it a point to involve the elderly.

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